Tudorbeth is a hereditary practitioner of folklore, or as I call it hedgewitchery. My series of books with Llewellyn Worldwide focuses on this part of witchcraft.

Explore old-world magic and contemporary charms with this brilliant book of enchantments. Within these pages, you will discover more than one hundred spells, charms, and recipes for love, money, health, family, career, and more. Author Tudorbeth has selected the best traditional workings along with contemporary spells that can be done with readily available ingredients.
Hedgewitchery is the individual pursuit of living in harmony with nature while practicing magic. This book shares everything from old-world spells to magical enchantments for modern problems like credit card issues and unwanted house guests. You will discover delicious recipes such chocolate avocado mousse and charms and spells for prosperity, good luck, fertility, friendships, and so much more. All of the spells can be modified to suit your own individual needs and feelings, and the author includes helpful suggestions for incorporating herbs, crystals, and oils to empower your magic.

Over 100 Recipes, Spells & Crafts to Connect with Seasonal Energies
Plants, wildlife, the environment, and even weather phenomena are sacred to the hedgewitch. This beautiful book follows the sun around its seasonal year, providing more than a hundred recipes, spells, potions, and crafts to help you reconnect with natural and elemental energies. You'll enjoy recipes for jams, jellies, chutneys, and syrups as well as spells, Esbat rituals, and correspondences for each of the seasons. Tudorbeth shares enchantments for safe travels, luck, preventing floods, increased passion, and many other purposes. From winter spice marmalade to Mabon apple garland, this hands-on book helps strengthen your magic as you travel through the Wheel of the Year.


Do you have an affinity for working with plants and herbs? You may be a Green Witch. Do you love to find and harness the power of ancient stones and crystals? You may be a Crystal Witch. Are you able to tap into the sensory and healing properties of food for spell work? You may be a Kitchen Witch.
This book is for those who are seeking the path of the witch. It introduces you to 25 different types of witches, and helps you to find your way through all the different types of witches so you can identify the witch you are.
Divided into groups of witches - colors, nature, worlds, traditional and beauty - each section of witches starts with a set of multiple choice questions to help you to decide which witch resonates with you. Then, each witch entry breaks down the witch's key characteristics, including what their greatest strengths are. The entries also include magical practices or spells to further harness the power of your inner witch.
With this book, learn to embrace the witch within.
Journey with me as we travel the realms of Magic, wisdom, knowledge, seasons, and life. Each week we shall look at a topic within Magic including our history and how we are featured throughout the centuries. All are welcome - see you at the border as we journey beyond the hedge. Blessed be